Build on Debian, Run on Mobian



Suppose you have a PinePhone running Mobian ("bookworm") and a desktop or laptop running Debian ("sid"). How do you write a C program on the latter, that can run on the former?

The PinePhone is powerful enough that you could just install the build tools and everything you need directly on it and develop directly on the device. However, you may have reasons to want to avoid this approach, so let's look at the classic approach, where we build on the desktop and run on the mobile.


We can't run on the mobile a binary built for the desktop, because the two have different architectures. The mobile is, in our case, aarch64 a.k.a. arm64, while the desktop is x86-64.

A regular compiler would produce code for the same architecture it was run on.

Considering a C program in a main.c file, if you call:

gcc -o example-x64 main.c

and then:

file example-x64

then the output will be something like:

example-x64: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=..., for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped

Attempting to execute that file on the mobile device would result in the following error:

-bash: ./example-x64: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

The solution to this problem is a cross-compiler. That is, a compiler that can run on one architecture and produce binaries for another.

Let's install a cross-compiler on the desktop computer:

sudo apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu

Now let's compile our program using the cross-compiler:

aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -o example-arm main.c

This time, the output is a different kind of file and can be executed on the target device:

file example-arm
example-arm: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=..., for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, not stripped

Adding dependencies

We can build a simple program with no dependecies, but what happens when we need to link against a 3rd party library?

Let's take GTK as an example library, and let's try the "Hello, World!" program from the GTK homepage. The following command assume the source code is in a file named gtk-example.c.

Assuming we're not only interested in arm64 and that we also want to run the program on x86-64, we first need to install the development package for the desktop:

sudo apt install libgtk-4-dev

Then we build the program, using pkg-config for the library's compiler and the linker specific flags.

gcc \
  $(pkg-config --cflags gtk4) \
  -o gtk-example-x64 \
  gtk-example.c \
  $(pkg-config --libs gtk4)

If we run ldd on the resulting binary, we'll see that it's linked agains libraries from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu, which are libaries specific to the architecture where we built the program and where we'll also run it:

$ ldd gtk-example-x64 | grep gtk => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fed32150000)

But we'll need to build with the aarch64 toolchain and link against aarch64 libraries. Where do we get those libraries?


First make sure that your kernel can run binaries of the arm64 architecture, by running arch-test. If arm64 is in the list, then it will work. Otherwise, it can be made available by installing the qemu-user-static package.

sudo apt install qemu-user-static

Since we're using Debian on both systems, we can use Debootstrap to install a base Debian system with the same version (bookworm) and for the same architecture (aarch64) as the mobile device right into a subdirectory (for example /aarch64-bookworm-sysroot) of the desktop.

For the last parameter of the debootstrap command, replace with the URL of a mirror next to you .

sudo apt install debootstrap
sudo mkdir /aarch64-bookworm-sysroot
sudo debootstrap \
  --arch=arm64 \
  bookworm \
  /aarch64-bookworm-sysroot \

Once the new system is set up, enter a chroot:

sudo chroot /aarch64-bookworm-sysroot

Inside the chroot, install the libraries you need for development, then exit.

apt update
apt install libgtk-4-dev

Now you should have the libraries in the new sysroot, for example in /aarch64-bookworm-sysroot/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/

We need to make pkg-config aware of the new sysroot and make it look there when cross-compiling.

Create a wrapper script for pkg-config with the content below, name it aarch64-linux-gnu-pkg-config, make it executable and place it somewhere in your $PATH (for example in $HOME/.local/bin). The name of the wrapper script doesn't matter much right now as we'll invoke it manually, but it will be important in the next steps, when we'll use Autoconf. Autoconf will look for a pkg-config executable in the $PATH with a specific prefix, based on the architecture we're building for. This will still use the local pkg-config but it will make it look for libraries in other places (the new sysroot that we just created). The Autotools Mythbuster has more details about this wrapper script approach.



export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=${SYSROOT}/usr/lib/pkgconfig:${SYSROOT}/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:${SYSROOT}/usr/share/pkgconfig

exec pkg-config "$@"

Now we're all set for cross-compiling. We can just use aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc instead of plain gcc and our new aarch64-linux-gnu-pkg-config instead of pkg-config. Additionally, we also need to make gcc aware of the sysroot and prevent it from linking against the libraries in the standard directories (which are for x86-64, and not for arm64).

aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc \
  $(aarch64-linux-gnu-pkg-config --cflags gtk4) \
  -o gtk-example-arm \
  gtk-example.c \
  $(aarch64-linux-gnu-pkg-config --libs gtk4) \


Calling aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc explicitly with all those flags is fine once, for an example, but for a real project we may want to use GNU Autotools. See the previous article, How to Set Up a Project With Autotools for how to do that.

When building the same project for multiple platforms we may want to use VPATH builds (with one build directory for each platform). For this reason, the command below shows a call to ../configure instead of the usual ./configure.

To compile for another platform we need to specify the --host flag (the host is the architecture where the resulting binary will run). We also need to make the linker aware of the sysroot (as before) by setting the LDFLAGS variable to contain the --sysroot flag.

../configure \
  --host=aarch64-linux-gnu \
